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What is On-chain? A Guide for Crypto Users [2023]

Updated 2023-07-21 16:04:51

Cryptocurrency transactions can be facilitated via blockchain technology without the involvement of a reliable third party, such as a bank. In general, a blockchain system is a network that consists of a distributed ledger, which is similar to a common database. On-chain transactions are those that are completed and shared among all participants on the blockchain itself. A blockchain's "on-chain" transactions provide more security and transparency because they are validated and stored on an immutable public distributed ledger. This article will include a brief explanation of On-chain transactions, their benefits, and their disadvantages.


What is On-Chain?

On-chain transaction is a transaction that is completed entirely on a blockchain network


On-chain transaction is a transaction that is completed entirely on a blockchain network. The transaction is then confirmed and added to the public ledger of a blockchain network. Depending on the network protocol, a transaction becomes nearly irreversible after it receives enough confirmations from other network users based on the network's consensus mechanism. Usually, the transaction can only be undone if a majority of the blockchain's hashing power agrees to do so. This can enable the high secure feature to the crypto users.


The network's users, known as miners, must verify each transaction that takes place on a blockchain. A transaction is only considered to be genuine once all parties have agreed that it is valid after being independently verified. The transaction information is subsequently transmitted to network users and recorded on the block.


On-Chain vs Off-Chain

On-Chain Vs Off-Chain


On-chain transactions are transactions that happen directly on a blockchain network. These transactions are verified, and then they are permanently recorded on the blockchain.


Meanwhile, off-chain transactions take place away from the blockchain network. These transactions are handled through other procedures and channels outsite the blockchain. Here are the differences among on-chain and off-chain.



On-chain transactions refer to the exchange or modification of digital assets or tokens that occur in a blockchain network. These can be exchanges of cryptocurrencies, communications between smart contracts, or any other operations requiring alterations to the state of the blockchain.


Off-chain transactions may utilize established payment systems and centralized databases for the procedure. These transactions could involve acts like money transfers between accounts on a centralized exchange or the use of payment systems. It also tends to have a cheaper transaction fee for each transaction.



The on-chain transactions are publicly visible and anyone in the network can view the transaction details including the send and receiver address, the transaction amount and transaction timestamp. This visibility can increase the trust and operability of the network.


The visibility of off-chain transactions on the blockchain is depend on the specific implementation. The blockchain may record the settlement of these transactions, but the specifics of each transaction are not made available to the public. This can be useful for privacy-focused cases.


Ability to Scale

The underlying blockchain technology can have an impact on how scalable on-chain transactions are. Due to their consensus methods, public blockchains can only scale to a certain extent, which results in slower transaction processing times and higher fees during times of intense network congestion. To overcome these scaling issues, various solutions and blockchain improvements are being created.


Compared to on-chain transactions, off-chain transactions may provide better scalability. These approaches can perform a bigger volume of transactions with less network congestion and lower fees by completing transactions outside the blockchain. Off-chain solutions are designed to address the scalability issues of on-chain transactions, particularly with regard to throughput and speed.


Trust and Security

On-chain transactions get advantages from the security provided by the underlying blockchain protocol. Digital signatures and consensus procedures are frequently used to protect transactions. A transaction is very secure and immutable once it is approved and uploaded to the blockchain, making it very difficult to change or tamper with.


The procedures utilized to settle these transactions have an impact on the security of off-chain transactions. For the security and integrity of off-chain transactions, some systems use cryptographic techniques, while others may add centralized components or trusted intermediates. Depending on the particular implementation, the security level may vary.


Benefits of on-chain transactions

5 Benefits of on-chain transactions


There are several benefits that can be provided from on-chain transactions. They are decentralization, high security, immutability, transparency, and global accessibility.


1) Decentralization

On-chain transactions assist in the decentralization of power and control. Rather than relying on centralized institutions or authorities, blockchain networks allocate decision-making and transaction validation among network participants (nodes). This decentralization helps build a more inclusive, resilient, and censorship-resistant financial and economic infrastructure in a blockchain network. Moreover, interacting with decentralized applications (DApps) requires on-chain transactions. To allow numerous features, including token transfers, smart contract executions, decentralized finance (DeFi) operations, and more, these DApps make use of on-chain transactions.


2) High Security

The strong security offered by the underlying blockchain protocol is advantageous for on-chain transactions. Through cryptographic techniques like digital signatures and consensus procedures, transactions are protected. Blockchain networks are particularly resistant to attacks and unauthorized modifications due to their decentralized structure, offering a high level of security.


3) Immutability

Blockchain is immutable and cryptographic hashing techniques are used to safeguard on-chain transactions. A procedure known as hashing transforms the transaction data into a fixed-length string of characters called a hash when a transaction is created. Since the hashing operation is intended to be irreversible, it is quite challenging to extract the actual transaction data from the hash. A hash value would change if the exchanged data were altered in any way. Thus, an on-chain transaction is nearly impossible to change after it has been verified and uploaded to the blockchain. Blockchain technology's decentralized and distributed structure makes sure that transaction records are irreversible and difficult to manipulate. The security and integrity of transactions are increased by this immutability.


4) Transparency

On the blockchain, on-chain transactions are openly viewable and transparent. Within the network, this transparency encourages trust and responsibility. In order to increase transparency and lower the risk of fraud or manipulation, participants can check transaction specifics and monitor the movement of funds. Anyone can examine a transaction's activity and track it back to a specific wallet address using a blockchain explorer, enabling independent verification of claims and transactions.


5) Global Accessibility

Every user on the blockchain network can access on-chain transactions. Blockchain networks frequently offer open participation and governance frameworks, making it possible for anyone from all over the world to check every detail of transactions providing the trust of the network to the crypto users. By giving unbanked or underbanked people access to financial services, on-chain transactions have the potential to advance financial inclusion. People can engage in on-chain transactions and utilize the numerous financial services made available on blockchain networks as long as they have a smartphone, computer, and internet connection.


In general, on-chain transactions offer numerous benefits such as security, transparency, trustlessness, decentralization, and global accessibility. While there are challenges such as scalability and privacy concerns, the advantages of on-chain transactions outweigh the drawbacks, making them a valuable component of blockchain technology.


Disadvantages of on-chain transactions

5 Disadvantages of on-chain transactions


While on-chain transactions can offer several benefits, they can also have significant disadvantages such as high cost, lack of scalability, privacy concerns, slow speed, high energy consumption, and technical challenges.


1) High Cost

The cost of on-chain transactions can be high, particularly in open blockchain networks. To encourage miners or validators to process and include transactions in blocks, transaction fees are necessary. Transaction costs might be high during times of intense network congestion that it becomes uneconomical to conduct smaller transactions or frequent microtransactions. The relatively high price of on-chain transactions may restrict their usability and prevent the widespread adoption of blockchain technology in some use cases.


2) Lack of Scalability

Scalability issues with on-chain transactions are a problem, especially in open blockchain networks. As the volume of transactions rises, the network's capacity might struggle to keep up, which would lead to slower transaction processing times and increased costs. On-chain transactions are unable to process a huge volume of transactions swiftly and effectively due to this scalability issue. Layer-2 protocols such as Lighting Network for Bitcoin and sharding on Ethereum 2.0 are developed to address these scalability challenges.


3) Privacy Concerns

On-chain transactions are recorded on a public blockchain ledger, which means that transaction details are visible to anyone with access to the blockchain. While the identities of participants are often pseudonymous, the transparency of on-chain transactions can compromise privacy. Transaction patterns and associated addresses can be analyzed, potentially revealing sensitive information about users' financial activities. This lack of privacy can be a concern for individuals or businesses requiring more confidentiality in their transactions.


4) Slow Speed

In comparison to off-chain options, the confirmation time for on-chain transactions may be longer. The blockchain network, network congestion, and the priority given to the transaction can all affect how long it takes for a transaction to be included in a block and confirmed on the blockchain. Applications that need immediate settlement or real-time transaction processing might not be able to handle this latency.


5) High Energy Consumption

Certain proof-of-work (PoW) consensus-based on-chain transaction techniques, in particular, can use a lot of computational resources and energy. The energy-intensive nature of PoW mining has raised concerns about the environmental impact and sustainability of blockchain networks. On-chain transactions' significant energy consumption can be seen as a main disadvantage, especially as demand for blockchain technology rises. Alternative consensus such as POS and POA are developed to be more enery efficient in the process.


While on-chain transactions provide several benefits, they also have disadvantages such as scalability challenges, cost and efficiency issues, privacy concerns, regulatory challenges, technical complexity, and environmental impact. It is crucial to carefully consider these drawbacks and evaluate the specific requirements of a use case before opting for on-chain transactions.


Applications of on-chain transactions

Applications of on-chain transactions


On-chain transactions find applications in various sectors, revolutionizing traditional industries and enabling innovative solutions. Here are some notable use cases:


Peer-to-Peer Payments

On-chain transactions facilitate fast and secure peer-to-peer transactions, eliminating intermediaries such as banks. Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Litecoin serve as digital cash, allowing users to send funds directly to others across the globe.


Decentralized Exchanges

On-chain transactions power decentralized exchanges (DEXs), where users can trade cryptocurrencies directly from their wallets. By leveraging smart contracts, DEXs provide a trustless environment for secure and transparent trading.


Smart Contracts and DApps

Smart contracts, self-executing agreements built on blockchain technology, enable on-chain transactions with predefined conditions. Decentralized applications (DApps) utilize smart contracts to automate transactions, ranging from decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols to decentralized social media platforms.


Supply Chain Management

Blockchain-based supply chain solutions utilize on-chain transactions to track and verify the movement of goods. By recording each transaction on the blockchain, stakeholders can enhance transparency, reduce fraud, and streamline processes in complex supply chains.


Recommendations for Secure On-Chain Transactions

Recommendations for Secure On-Chain Transactions


In the world of cryptocurrencies, it is crucial to ensure the security of your on-chain transactions. You may reduce the risk of fraud and safeguard your digital assets by adhering to these best practices:


Best Practices for Wallet Security

A trustworthy cryptocurrency wallet should have strong security features like encryption and two-factor authentication (2FA), Maintain your private keys offline and safely back up your data. Update your wallet software frequently to include the newest security additions. Moreover, keeping software and firmware up to date is also one of the best ptractices for wallet security.


Verifying Transaction Details

To avoid sending money to the wrong person, double-check the recipient's address before starting any on-chain transactions. Before confirming the transaction, double-check the details, including the fee and amount.


Timing and Network Congestion

During times of intense network congestion, transaction costs could go up and confirmation times could go slower. When organizing time-sensitive transactions, keep these elements in mind and think about reducing the cost to speed up confirmation.



On-chain technology plays a crucial role in the blockchain ecosystem, providing a foundation for transparent, secure, and trustless transactions. Despite its limitations in terms of scalability, cost, and privacy, on-chain activities offer numerous benefits such as security, transparency, and decentralization. As the technology evolves and scaling solutions are implemented, the drawbacks of on-chain operations can be mitigated, making it a more efficient and viable option for various applications.


It is important to strike a balance between on-chain and off-chain solutions, depending on the specific use cases and requirements. While on-chain operations excel in scenarios that demand utmost security, transparency, and trustlessness, off-chain solutions can provide faster transaction speeds and cost-effectiveness for certain applications.


On-chain technology is anticipated to experience additional advances and optimizations as blockchain technology continues to develop and mature. To maximize the potential of on-chain operations and promote wider use across industries, it will be crucial to address the issues related to scalability, affordability, and privacy. On-chain technology has the potential to change many industries, from finance and supply chain to governance and healthcare, and to pave the path for a decentralized and transparent future with constant research and innovation.
