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Merkle Tree in Blockchain: A Detailed Explanation

Updated 2023-07-24 17:54:39


A Merkle tree is generally a data structure and we can see the application of Merkle Tree in computational usages, bitcoin, and other cryptocurrencies. It can help in the process of encoding the blockchain data to be more efficient and safer for the network. In this article, What is Merkle Tree in Blockchain, its components, benefits, and applications will be explained.


What is the Merkle Tree in Blockchain?

Merkle tree is a hash tree in which each leaf node contains the hash value of a data block, and every non-leaf node has the hash value for its child nodes.


Merkle tree is a hash tree. It is generally a tree like structure in which each leaf node of the tree contains the hash value of a data block, and every non-leaf node has the hash value for its child nodes. Moreover, it is a fundamental data structure used in blockchain technology and is effective in assisting the consistency and integrity of big data sets. It is essential for maintaining the immutability and security of blocks and transactions within a blockchain network.


Merkle trees are usually applied with peer-to-peer networks in order to have shared and validated information. A cryptographic hash function, such as SHA-256 (Secure Hash Algorithm 256-bit), which is frequently employed in blockchain networks like Bitcoin, is used to create Merkle trees. The hash function takes an input (data) of arbitrary size and creates a fixed-size output, which is a unique hash value representing that input data.


Who is the founder of Merkle Tree?

Ralph Merkle is the founder of Merkle Tree


American computer scientist and cryptographer Ralph Merkle developed the idea of the Merkle tree. In 1979, Ralph Merkle presented a paper titled A Certified Digital Signature in which he introduced the concept of a hash tree (today called a Merkle tree). Merkle's work, while primarily concerned with digital signatures, led to the widespread use of the data structure he proposed, which is now a crucial component of many cryptographic systems, including blockchain technology. Distributed systems, data structures, and encryption are just a few of the areas where Merkle trees have found extensive use. With the development of blockchain technology, where Merkle trees are essential to maintaining the security and integrity of transactions inside a decentralized network, it attracted a lot of interest.


Moreover, Merkle trees are used in blockchain systems for block validation, transaction verification, and data synchronization. They offer a way to quickly check the accuracy of a block's transactions and make it possible to spot any tampering attempts. Merkle trees are now an essential component of blockchain technology, adding to its reliability, effectiveness, and security.


Merkle Tree Structure

The Structure of Merkle Tree


The Merkle tree has a binary tree structure. The bottom row's hashes containing transactional data are referred to as "Leaf Nodes," the middle hashes as "Non-Leaf Nodes," and the top hash as the "Root." Hash tree implementations can include many more child nodes even though the majority are binary (each node has two child nodes) also known as binary hash tree. The Merkle tree's structure shows that all transactions are paired up. A computed hash for each pair is kept in the parent node and is stored there. Additionally, these nodes are paired up as soon as their hash is stored on the following level. Until the Merkle tree's root hash is reached, this procedure continues.


Merkle Root

The Merkle root is at the top of the tree. It stands for the single hash value that sums up and embodies the whole collection of information found in the tree. Continuously hashing the intermediate nodes until there is just one value left, known as the root hash, yields the Merkle root. This Merkle root hash can be used to validate the leaf nodes (transaction IDs/hashes) at the bottom of the Merkle tree. The Merkle root ensures that data blocks are unbroken, complete, and unchanged when it is used for cryptocurrencies.


Intermediate Nodes

A non-leaf node, known as an intermediate node, represents the hash value of its child nodes and it doesn’t consist of any transaction IDs or hashes. It is produced by adding the hash values of its two child nodes and hashing the result. Between the leaf nodes and the Merkle root, there are intermediate nodes. These nodes assist in the formation of the tree structure and offer a quick and easy means of ensuring the accuracy of the data.


Leaf Nodes

Leaf Nodes are the individual data elements that are being hashed in the Merkle tree. The leaf nodes are the only nodes at the base of the tree. Each leaf node in a blockchain typically represents a transaction or a block and also leaf nodes are referred to as Transaction IDs (TXIDs). Moreover, the user can view the transaction hash when looking up a transaction on a block explorer.


How Merkle Tree Structure Works

How Merkle Tree Structure Works


The data set that needs to be arranged into a Merkle tree is broken into smaller fixed-size blocks, leaf nodes. Typically, these leaves in a blockchain represent specific transactions or blocks. The hash of a particular block of data is represented by each leaf of the Merkle tree. Each block is subjected to the hash function, and the resulting hash values are stored as the tree's leaves. Then, the hash values of adjacent leaf nodes are concatenated in pairs, starting from the bottom of the tree, then hashed. Up until there is only Root node or Merkle Root left, this process is repeated.


Lastly, the one hash value that sums up the complete set of processes is known as the Merkle root. If an odd number of nodes at any level of the tree has happened during pairing, the last node will carry out duplication and hashing automatically. This duplication can attain the balance and determinism of the Merkle tree.


Benefits of Merkle Tree

5 Benefits of Merkle Tree


Merkle Trees can provide several benefits in different usages in the context of blockchain technology. These are the main advantages of Merkle Trees.


1) Efficient Verification Process

Validating the data can create two major problems: memory space and computational capacity. Blockchains typically consist of hundreds of thousands of blocks, each of which can include up to several thousand transactions. Let’s say that Merkle Trees are not part of the blockchain, every node would have to keep a complete transaction record of every blockchain. For ensuring its records completely match with the network records, a node would have had to evaluate each item step by step during the confirmation of a transaction.


Merkle trees, however, provide an answer by significantly dropping the quantity of data that must be kept on hand for verification necessities. They essentially separate the data itself from the accompanying proof by hashing each entry in the ledger. You can use a Merkle tree to check a TXID using the Merkle root hash without knowing every single TXID in a block. A Merkle tree can be an efficient procedure to show that something is existed in a dataset without downloading the complete set. Therefore, the amount of CPU power required to validate the transactions is reduced.


2) Tampering Detectable

Miners can effortlessly find out if there is any tampering within the transactions with the help of the hash structure. Each block is given a unique hash value using the Merkle root. By containing the hash of the previous block, the block establishes a link between one block and another in the blockchain. When a transaction is modified, the hash of that transaction is updated. This update invalidates the block since it cascades up to the Merkle root hash and changes the value of the Merkle root hash. The following block's hash changes as a result, invalidating the remaining blocks of the Blockchain. As a result, an immutable record of the block's transactions is produced by the Merkle tree. As a result, double expenditure can also be avoided. A hash will be produced for the transaction if someone tries to twice spend their digital currency. This transaction is declined if the hash matches one of the already-existing records on the Blockchain.


3) Scalability

Each validator is engaged in a distinct transaction at the same moment as a result of the distribution of the block's transactions among the validators. This is far more efficient than a process where each transaction is sequentially validated after another. Moreover, as the size of data grows, the computational requirements for verification can become prohibitive. Merkle trees address this issue by enabling logarithmic time complexity for verification. Regardless of the size of the data, the verification process only requires a fixed number of hash calculations based on the tree's height.


4) Usage of Crypto Wallet

The Merkle tree supports Simple Payment Verification (SPV), which allows you to confirm a transaction without downloading a whole block or blockchain. This makes it possible to send and receive transactions using a light-client node, which is more technically known as a crypto wallet.


5) Compatibility

Merkle trees provide a compact representation of large datasets. Instead of storing the entire data, only the Merkle root needs to be stored. This reduces storage requirements and allows for efficient transmission of data across a network.


Disadvantages of Merkle Tree

6 Disadvantages of Merkle Tree


Merkle Trees are an important part of blockchain technology and have several benefits to the network. However, they can create some setbacks and disadvantages. Some of the mentionable disadvantages are:


1) Computational Overhead

While Merkle trees provide data integrity and tamper detection, they require computational resources for their construction and verification. As the number of transactions or data entries increases, the time and computational complexity required for building and verifying Merkle trees also grow. This overhead can impact the performance and scalability of blockchain systems, particularly in scenarios with high transaction volumes.


2) Storage Requirements

Merkle trees store the hash values of each data entry or transaction. As the number of data entries increases, so does the storage required for the Merkle tree. In systems with large transaction histories or extensive data sets, the storage demands can become significant. This can pose challenges in resource-constrained environments.


3) Synchronization and Consensus Challenges

In blockchain networks, achieving consensus among multiple nodes is crucial. Merkle trees play a role in this process, as nodes need to agree on the validity of transactions and the integrity of the Merkle tree structure. However, maintaining consistency across all nodes and ensuring synchronization of Merkle trees in a decentralized environment can be challenging. Network latency, communication delays, and network partitioning can introduce complexities in achieving consensus.


4) Limited Flexibility

Merkle trees offer a fixed hierarchical structure where each leaf node represents a data entry or transaction. While this structure provides efficiency and integrity, it can limit flexibility in certain use cases. For example, modifying or removing specific data entries within the Merkle tree may require rebuilding the entire tree, impacting system performance. Additionally, supporting more complex data structures or variable-sized data entries can be challenging within the constraints of a traditional Merkle tree.


5) Inefficiency in Proof Generation

Merkle trees are designed to provide proof of inclusion or exclusion for specific data entries. However, generating these proofs can be computationally expensive and time-consuming. Verifying the integrity of a specific data entry or a subset of data entries within a large Merkle tree may involve traversing multiple levels of the tree. This can impact the efficiency of certain blockchain applications, such as real-time transaction verification or scenarios requiring frequent proof generation.


6) Vulnerability to Collision Attacks

While Merkle trees are resistant to tampering and data integrity attacks, they are not impervious to collusion attacks. If a group of malicious nodes collude and control a significant portion of the Merkle tree, they can manipulate the data and generate a valid Merkle root. This can compromise the integrity and security of the blockchain system. Implementing measures to prevent or detect collusion attacks is essential to mitigate this vulnerability.


Applications of Merkle Trees in Blockchain

Applications of Merkle Trees in Blockchain


Merkle trees are widely applied in blockchain ecosystem and these are some of the examples of how Merkle Trees are applied:


Bitcoins and Cryptocurrencies

Transactions involving Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are organized and verified using Merkle trees in the Bitcoin blockchain. The block header contains the Merkle root hash, making it possible to efficiently validate the consistency of the transactions without having to download and independently verify each one.



Merkle trees are used in the Ethereum blockchain to verify the execution of smart contracts and store the state of the global virtual machine. Merkle trees make it possible to quickly and securely verify the state of a contract, giving parties the ability to confirm state changes and results of smart contract execution.


Mobile Wallets

Merkle trees make it possible for mobile wallets to function effectively in blockchain networks. Instead of downloading and validating the complete blockchain, these wallets, often referred to as Simplified Payment Verification (SPV) clients, use Merkle proofs to confirm the inclusion of their transactions in the ledger. This enables lightweight and quick transactions on mobile devices.


Block Validation and Consensus

Merkle trees are essential to the blockchain networks' consensus algorithms. For instance, miners can quickly validate blocks using the Proof of Work (PoW) consensus mechanism by comparing the Merkle root to the target value. Merkle trees offer a summarizing representation of the block's contents, promoting consensus and preserving the blockchain's integrity.


Future Developments

Future Development of Merkle Tree


In the blockchain technology, merkle trees have already shown to be an effective technique for assuring data security and integrity. The goal of current research and development is to find new ways to enhance and broaden the uses of Merkle trees. Here are some research fields and future developments:


Increased Efficiency - Methods to increase Merkle trees' efficiency in terms of construction, verification, and proof creation are now being actively researched.


Dynamic Merkle Trees - Traditional Merkle trees have a fixed structure that requires rebuilding the entire tree when data is added or removed. Future developments may focus on dynamic Merkle trees that can efficiently handle changes in the data set without the need for complete reconstruction.


Privacy-Preserving Merkle Trees - While Merkle trees provide data integrity, future research may focus on enhancing privacy features. This includes exploring techniques such as zero-knowledge proofs and advanced encryption mechanisms unlike conventional encryption function to protect sensitive data while still ensuring the integrity and security provided by Merkle trees.


Scalability Solutions - While Merkle trees contribute to scalability in blockchain systems, further research is focused on developing more advanced scalability solutions.


Security Enhancements - Continuous efforts are being made to improve the security of Merkle trees, such as exploring novel hash functions, addressing potential vulnerabilities, and enhancing resistance against collusion attacks.



Merkle trees are a key idea in blockchain technology by enabling the quick and secure verification of data stored on the blockchain. They give an additional degree of protection to the network and are a crucial part of the data structure of the blockchain. We can better appreciate blockchain technology's unique character and its potential to disrupt a variety of industries by understanding Merkle trees' function and significance in it. Blockchain networks can securely and efficiently store and verify substantial volumes of transaction data by using Merkle trees, which also boosts scalability and throughput while maintaining high levels of security.
